Heya, I'm Warren ✌️ [he/they]
I'm a UX/UI Designer and Programmer (a UX Engineer, if that title strikes your fancy) based in Ontario, Canada, with a focus put into website development/design and general usability for products and media.
I'm an out-of-the-box thinker with a penchant to challenge the norm. I love solving puzzles and challenges, and I don't give up on something until I've seen it through or exhausted all available options. If your code didn't crash the program, it's not done yet.
In my free time I love to learn new things and can usually be found watching a documentary (ask me what I've watched recently!) and munching on snacks.
Fluent in English
Level 3+ Proficiency in French
Got a Question? Feedback?
Since I built this whole website myself it means that, unfortunately, its's going to be full of bugs. If you're browsing around and you find something that looks a little funky, I absolutely want to know about it so I can fix it!
You can email me or shoot me a message on LinkedIn, but I'd like to ask that you add a photo of the bug so I can better understand the issue.